Looking for Santa? What about Ugly Christmas Sweater Parties? Maybe a free Holiday Concert? We have pretty much everything going on from now until Christmas on the South Side packed into "30 Minutes of Good!" Plus, try a local beer that feels like a wine & meet the founder and leader of the south side's own City Lights Orchestra.
Brought to you proudly by Elite Benefits of America. We have all your local south side news, events, live music and more in just "30 Minutes of Good!" Recorded at a 9-foot homemade oak bar in a basement on the South Side of Chicago. Pull up a stool and have a drink with Chris, Bill, Mike, and a cast of Southsiders! Call us at 708-459-8406 anytime and leave a message anytime! Subscribe today everywhere podcasts can be found and always at SouthSidePod.com!
#30MinutesOfGood #WeAreSouthSide