We're chilling on the patio of Flossmoor Station Brewing Company next to their soon-to-open caboose bar and tasting new summer brews. We also are preparing for a pig roast and weekend party at Rock Island Public House in Blue Island. This may be why the coaster seats at Great America seemed a little small for one of the guys this week. This is not a diet show. It's "30 Minutes of Good!"
Recorded at a 9-foot homemade oak bar in a basement on the South Side of Chicago. Let's talk food, drink, concerts, events and local news. Pull up a stool and have a drink with Chris, Bill, Mike, and a cast of Southsiders! Call us at 708-459-8406 anytime and leave a message anytime! Subscribe today everywhere podcasts can be found and always at SouthSidePod.com!