We grabbed a pint with Rick Kaempfer, author of the new oral history of the most outrageous radio station ever - The Loop! Find out who got a gun pulled on them in the studio, which personality wouldn't give an interview for the book, and why one public act ended with someone stabbed in the gut. Plus, we're shopping for Christmas and Chris is happy he is only buting presents for kids this year. Join us for "30 Minutes of Good!"
Brought to you by Family Waterproofing Solutions! Recorded at a 9-foot homemade oak bar in a basement on the South Side of Chicago. Let's talk food, drink, concerts, events and local news. Pull up a stool and have a drink with Chris, Bill, Mike, and a cast of Southsiders! Call us at 708-459-8406 anytime and leave a message anytime! Subscribe today everywhere podcasts can be found and always at SouthSidePod.com!