
Thursday Nov 03, 2022
Meat Over Miles On The South Side
Thursday Nov 03, 2022
Thursday Nov 03, 2022
Lemont is having a Meat-A-Thon and south side high school football teams are rolling early in the IHSA Playoffs. We have the right folks to tell you all about it. The podcast episode that brawls like a 7-year old also has live local music schedules for the weekend, when you can check out the Blue Island Film Festival & where you can cosplay with a craft beer. It's all in "30 Minutes of Good!"
Brought to you by Tom Walsh, Edward Jones Financial Advisor! Recorded at a 9-foot homemade oak bar in a basement on the South Side of Chicago. Let's talk food, drink, concerts, events and local news. Pull up a stool and have a drink with Chris, Bill, Mike, and a cast of Southsiders! Call us at 708-459-8406 anytime and leave a message anytime! Subscribe today everywhere podcasts can be found and always at SouthSidePod.com!

Thursday Oct 27, 2022
South Side Ghost Stories
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Neal Gibbons hosts haunted tours, communicates with spirits and knows the origin story of Ressurection Mary. He stops by for a spooky edition of South Side Pod. We also have the absolute best free haunts to visit this weekend with the family, a rare beer find at Blue Island Beer Company and live music throughout the South Side this weekend in "30 Minutes of Good!"
Brought to you by Tom Walsh, Edward Jones Financial Advisor! Recorded at a 9-foot homemade oak bar in a basement on the South Side of Chicago. Let's talk food, drink, concerts, events and local news. Pull up a stool and have a drink with Chris, Bill, Mike, and a cast of Southsiders! Call us at 708-459-8406 anytime and leave a message anytime! Subscribe today everywhere podcasts can be found and always at SouthSidePod.com!

Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Your Friendly Neighborhood Ghostbuster
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Some people dress as a ghostbuster for Halloween. Some do it year round. Meet the South Suburbs Ghostbuster looking for a few people to join him. Meanwhile we have some of the best haunted house displays you can see for free from Hometown to Orland Park. Tim O'Brien of The Beverly Review also previews a do-or-die weekend for some local teams trying to make the high school football playoffs in "30 Minutes of Good!"
Brought to you by Tom Walsh, Edward Jones Financial Advisor! Recorded at a 9-foot homemade oak bar in a basement on the South Side of Chicago. Let's talk food, drink, concerts, events and local news. Pull up a stool and have a drink with Chris, Bill, Mike, and a cast of Southsiders! Call us at 708-459-8406 anytime and leave a message anytime! Subscribe today everywhere podcasts can be found and always at SouthSidePod.com!

Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Ken Garr: South Side Hero
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Ken Garr grew up in the Ashburn neighborhood and had a solid south side life in Tinley Park. Then he left his job, sold everything, and became a stand-up comedian. Ken visits with South Side Pod this week to talk about his journey, have a few laughs and discuss his new comedy special Ken Garr: American Hero. We also visit Heights Cycle, a new business in Palos Heights that proves it is more fun to work out in a crowd.
Brought to you by Tom Walsh, Edward Jones Financial Advisor! Recorded at a 9-foot homemade oak bar in a basement on the South Side of Chicago. Let's talk food, drink, concerts, events and local news. Pull up a stool and have a drink with Chris, Bill, Mike, and a cast of Southsiders! Call us at 708-459-8406 anytime and leave a message anytime! Subscribe today everywhere podcasts can be found and always at SouthSidePod.com!

Thursday Oct 06, 2022
That’s Quite A Dunkel
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
We sit at the bar and chat with the organizers of a BRew & Sip at Brother Rice this weekend that will feature local breweries, distilleries, food trucks and music. We're hanging at Horse Thief Hollow in Beverly with owner/brewer/chef Neil Byers as he unveils his dunkel, a line of beers now available in stores and plans for their October 14th Oktoberfest. Mike Pankow from Windy City Slam has fun from the South Side's wrestling scene as well.
Brought to you by Tom Walsh, Edward Jones Financial Advisor! Recorded at a 9-foot homemade oak bar in a basement on the South Side of Chicago. Let's talk food, drink, concerts, events and local news. Pull up a stool and have a drink with Chris, Bill, Mike, and a cast of Southsiders! Call us at 708-459-8406 anytime and leave a message anytime! Subscribe today everywhere podcasts can be found and always at SouthSidePod.com!

Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Festival Season Hits The South Side
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Our 2022 South Side Oktoberfest Tour kicks off with fun at Pollyanna Brewing's festival at The Forge in Lemont. We chat with head brewer Brian Pawola and brewer Vince Hansen after a stein hoisting competition with a familiar winner and runner-up. We're also at Hailstorm Brewing in Tinley Park celebrating Oktoberfest with head brewer Wil Turner and owner Chris Schiller. Tim O'Brien from the Beverly review has south side football and sports for us. We also preview the weekend around the South Side in "30 Minutes of Good!"
Brought to you by Tom Walsh, Edward Jones Financial Advisor! Recorded at a 9-foot homemade oak bar in a basement on the South Side of Chicago. Let's talk food, drink, concerts, events and local news. Pull up a stool and have a drink with Chris, Bill, Mike, and a cast of Southsiders! Call us at 708-459-8406 anytime and leave a message anytime! Subscribe today everywhere podcasts can be found and always at SouthSidePod.com!

Thursday Sep 22, 2022
How did YOU miss THAT?!
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Life is busy. Sometimes you miss something you shouldn't have missed. We here at South Side Pod are giving you a second chance. Find out what we mean in a special "30 Minutes of Good" that includes German beer tasting at Hailstorm Brewing before their weekend Oktoberfest. (We will be there and also in Lemont at the Pollyanna Brewing Oktoberfest!) Former Q101'er James VanOsdol complains that we never invite him over. We also have a fair amount of laughs with a look at this weekend on the South Side!
Brought to you by Tom Walsh, Edward Jones Financial Advisor! Recorded at a 9-foot homemade oak bar in a basement on the South Side of Chicago. Let's talk food, drink, concerts, events and local news. Pull up a stool and have a drink with Chris, Bill, Mike, and a cast of Southsiders! Call us at 708-459-8406 anytime and leave a message anytime! Subscribe today everywhere podcasts can be found and always at SouthSidePod.com!

Thursday Sep 15, 2022
Feelin’ Like A Farmer
Thursday Sep 15, 2022
Thursday Sep 15, 2022
You asked, we answered! South Side Pod travels to Palos Heights to explore some incredible small businesses at their weekly Farmer's Market. We also get the scoop on Dogtober Fest, Touch-A-Truck-And-Treat & more from our good friend Lauren Koszola. South Side Pod also covers local high school football with Tim O'Brien from The Beverly Review, with an additional look at a non-football showdown very soon between Marist & Mother McAuley. Get all of the South Side you can handle in "30 Minutes of Good!"
Brought to you by Tom Walsh, Edward Jones Financial Advisor! Recorded at a 9-foot homemade oak bar in a basement on the South Side of Chicago. Let's talk food, drink, concerts, events and local news. Pull up a stool and have a drink with Chris, Bill, Mike, and a cast of Southsiders! Call us at 708-459-8406 anytime and leave a message anytime! Subscribe today everywhere podcasts can be found and always at SouthSidePod.com!

Friday Sep 09, 2022
Save The Turtles, Eat A Butterfly
Friday Sep 09, 2022
Friday Sep 09, 2022
In this episode of "30 Minutes Of Good" we're learning about the south side charity Christmas Without Cancer and several events coming up soon in your area. We also check in with a south side brewery prepping for their first Oktoberfest, and it sounds like a doozy. And a trip to Tinley Park to see a concert with the kids turns into a money-sucking pile of ridiculousness for one of the guys.
Brought to you by Tom Walsh, Edward Jones Financial Advisor! Recorded at a 9-foot homemade oak bar in a basement on the South Side of Chicago. Let's talk food, drink, concerts, events and local news. Pull up a stool and have a drink with Chris, Bill, Mike, and a cast of Southsiders! Call us at 708-459-8406 anytime and leave a message anytime! Subscribe today everywhere podcasts can be found and always at SouthSidePod.com!

Thursday Sep 01, 2022
Friday Night Lights
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
The south side loves high school football, and crowds seem to be getting bigger every year. Tim O'Brien, sports editor from the Beverly Review, talks about the amount of teams he covers weekly, who you should watch this year and what matchup is the most exciting this weekend. We're also at Hailstorm Brewing in Tinley Park trying their new Oktoberfest. The two-month Oktoberfest season has begun and we have a list of events for you to attend in this "30 Minutes Of Good!"
Brought to you by Tom Walsh, Edward Jones Financial Advisor! Recorded at a 9-foot homemade oak bar in a basement on the South Side of Chicago. Let's talk food, drink, concerts, events and local news. Pull up a stool and have a drink with Chris, Bill, Mike, and a cast of Southsiders! Call us at 708-459-8406 anytime and leave a message anytime! Subscribe today everywhere podcasts can be found and always at SouthSidePod.com!